Wednesday, 18 September 2013

kissed by morning frost


Dew cooling -
things with shapes
               all alive

~Murakami Kijo~
  (1865 - 1938)

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

breathtaking Banff

Banff, Alberta is one of my favourite places to go. I try to visit at least once a year. This summer I enjoyed the Bow River and a little mountain lake in a canoe. Small green growth tickled the canoe from below, such a sweet sound. I also got up to the top of a mountain and spent about an hour breathing in the amazing, misty air. Oh how very wonderful.


Chase, BC

I've taken four trip this year and a biggie one remains. Some were for business, some for pleasure, but when I really think about it, it's always part business - which is part of my pleasures. You see, I love what I do. I know I am fortunate to be an artist and make a good living doing it. I have worked very hard for many hours, days, nights and years to be able to confidently say that and believe it.

When I go on trips, pieces of work always trickle in. I see a cloud, hear a cricket, save a dragonfly (more on that later), a wonderful person walks into my day - I wanna write about it or paint it. Inspiration awaits everywhere I go. I thought I would start playing with snippets of time spent outside my studio and share them. Please know I am fully aware of my technical (dis)abilities, wink - I just wanted to offer very simple pieces of my experiences. This is my first attempt.


Saturday, 7 September 2013

moon and honey

Sleep wasn't coming. She stayed in her warm nest and watched the stars. Luna kept whispering: "Come play, sweet honey!"

Such an offer. Still, she wanted to lay there and dream. But the moon got louder: "The grass is soft down below. Come out! For a little while...please?"

Honey slowly gave in. She was  glad she did. For the next hour, she danced in Moon's glow. Crickets chimed in and frogs also joined the orchestra. It was a simple time but one Honey would never forget. 


"Moon" by the wonderful Bjork

Friday, 6 September 2013

pretty little dirty bird

And now for something entirely different. Or is it? Of the crow family, yes, but...

Such a beautiful bird, so many hues, such colourful character. When I look at a magpie, I see nature's loveliness. This northern gem is striking. In my view, a perfect balance of soft, angelic whites, devilish blacks and, just for a rebellious touch, the satiny blues. Mmm. Add the long, helicopter tail and I'm ready to sit and stare for hours.

It turns out that the magpie, despite being so easy on the eye, is often despised. 'They' literally call this feathered creature a dirty bird. It doesn't bother me one bit. After all, some prefer a crow with its feet up in the air. It hasn't stopped me from painting her as a queen.

Nikol Haskova Studio