Thursday, 7 February 2019

new year, newest work


"I am sharpening my skills this year. 
Studying and pushing myself in the studio is incredibly important to me. 
If I finish a painting and I don't love it to bits, I will start over.
This year will find me making my best works ever."

Here are the first art babies of the year. The sparrow is, in my opinion, the best bird I've ever painted. The raven is symbolic of change. I'm so happy to be back here as I've greatly missed putting words to paper. I'm old school about this, with a preference for the fibre in my studio journal and the scent of ink on a page. The crossed out passages that didn't make the cut. The flowers adorning the sentences that did. Only after a tea stain covers a thought is that thought allowed to move to this virtual container. These writings are for me, but if you enjoy them, chime in. You can also find me on Instagram with more visual notes. Follow along for the stories.

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