Thursday, 23 May 2013


Success. For me, it is the intensely enjoyable process of making a painting that is both artistically and intellectually satisfying. The kind of painting that I drown in, forgetting to breathe, stunned how many hours have passed since I last looked up.

I've crossed milestones of acquired skill. They were important, but not always reflective of my internal need for something deeper. Something gutsy, something to chew on or fire me up, something more me.

There has been a handful of those paintings. Two of them were donations, one crossed the ocean and one I wish I had kept. 

Today I finished such a painting. It's the elusive and at times volatile one that's been tugging at my brain from eight directions. Some time ago I knew I wanted to begin a series called "Light". Define it as you may. To me, these works will be immensely personal, emotional and private - and yet, because of their nature, also full of release and accessible. Again, whatever that means to you.

The first in this collection is "2:28". No bones about it, I consider it my best to date. I've had favourites, but this one is the best. It is the one I've had waiting on a pedestal, collecting the dust of my mind until I decided I've had enough. I'm very proud of it.


Nikol Haskova Studio

Thursday, 9 May 2013

The philosopher, study

I don't often do a detailed study after completing a larger painting. In this case, I enjoyed this crow so much, I wanted to explore a little further. 

Push the contrast a bit more, define the body structure, heighten the purples and greens throughout the body. I also wanted to change up the background. I have loved the minimalist pale grey that I've been sticking to for so long, but I wanted something new. 

Or, rather, old. The intent was to present Mr. Philosopher in an old fashioned, oil portrait kind of way, with willowy clouds and a soft foreground. Kind of a dreamy, romantic setting for the grumpy creature. It wouldn't have worked had it been a 'happy' crow.


Such profanity from a heart shaped mouth

Fill in the words.