Putting emphasis on direct demonstrations this time, I came up with a great panel. Layering a variety of materials was just the beginning. Someone asked about the look of dripped paint. Giving a nod to an elementary school project, I showed her how easy it was. What I didn't anticipate is how much I'd love all of this put together. Red. Gold. Japanese-looking. Introspective. Simple despite the amount of layers. Hot (I am talking about the feel of the red) yet cool (to the mind).
Well. My husband chimed in, as he has before: "Ah, you can do better." I hate that! I'm really not into someone kicking my ass into higher gear as soon as I thought I had reached my destination. Fortunately (and unfortunately), I am not into "I wonder if I could have done better, hmm...", either. Alas, he was right, again. The painting wasn't finished, because she was missing.
I love her so much, I didn't give her a name. I would have become too attached, sigh. Just being around her puts me in a tranquil mood.
(above, partial painting only)
Nikol Haskova Studio
note: I rarely entertain studio sales. In this case, I am tickled pink that a sweet friend bought this painting. She is the perfect person for it. Just looking at her look at the painting brought the tears to my eyes. And hers. I love that.
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